On Mon, 27 Nov 2017 20:24:14 +0100
Antonio <anto...@vieiro.net> wrote:
> The NetBeans build system is very complex and does lots of things. So 
> don't be frustrated: this is going to take some time and effort.

That was not so much Netbeans related as JDK and processors. It is VERY
odd that processors cannot find stuff on the classpath. Why it needs a
source path seems strange. Maybe a JDK bug or something not sure.

Just so happens Netbeans uses a lot of processors so I was running into
that problem. But I needed those processors to process so needed to
find a solution. It just made no sense when the files it could not find
sat literally next to the class it was compiling within the sources.
> I was wondering if you could benefit of taking a look at the result
> of one of our builds at [1].

Yes for sure, and not doing things the hard way. I likely should have
started with that. I did not realize such was going on. I thought I was
some what familiar having messed with ant build system for 8.2 packages
on Gentoo. Just as easily could merge one of those again and look at
output. I was doing some of that how I discovered the NbBundleProcessor.

> I think we can generate a verbose build somehow for you to see all
> those little flags being passed to the compiler, to jar, etc.. If
> you're interested I'll try to generate a verbose build in a few days.
> (The resulting build log may be huge, btw.).

That would be cool. Maybe useful either way to produce a list of stuff
used for reference. But you have given me some ideas so I may go off
and do my own verbose build. I know what you mean about size. I added
-verbose to compiles, and got a bunch of output. I think more with Java
9 than with past, but maybe the same.

Thanks much for the offer and ideas! Makes me feel I should have done
more of this myself vs noise on list. Oh well :)

William L. Thomson Jr.

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