I was thinking of the BSD ports tree.

Some plugins are closed-source but a whole lot of them are open-source.

There is no need the Plugin Portal to be a binary-only repository, we could 
indeed just build stuff ourselves.

It doesn't need any fancy GitHub hooks, just a nightly cron job every now and 
then would be good.


‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On 25 July 2018 12:13 PM, Tim Boudreau <niftin...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > Resurrecting this thread, since Tim Boudreau recently Mavenized the
> > contrib repo:
> > https://github.com/timboudreau/netbeans-contrib
> I sent a note to this list about that on Monday, but got no response at
> all. Wondering if it went into a black hole, or nobody cares :-)
> > The Mavenization is certainly welcome (to me at least!) but someone
> > needs to officially decide what to do with all that stuff.
> Agreed. I hadn't seen any specific proposal, so I figured I'd do
> something since contrib/ still contains things I rely on daily.
> So here's a proposal:
> 1.  The big, critical thing that needs to happen is for Oracle to
>     relicense this code to Apache license, the same as NetBeans. Everything in
>     there was contributed under a contributor agreement that assigns joint
>     copyright ownership to Oracle nee Sun. So, Oracle is the one party that
>     can do that for everything - former Oracle employees can't even relicense
>     their own code, since it was work-for-hire and only external contributors
>     hold joint copyright. Geertjan, can you make that happen?
> 2.  I agree with Jesse that the things that are actively maintained there
>     should probably find separate homes on Github or wherever their 
> maintainers
>     want. In the meantime, I'm happy to babysit the repo while that happens
>     (likely it can't happen until 1. is done).
>     So what I'd suggest is that Geertjan (or whatever Oracle employee is
>     empowered to do it) fork the repo, change the license headers (scriptable,
>     not hard), and - depending on who wants it long-term - either send me a
>     pull request, or if the Apache organization wants to own it going forward,
>     I can retire this repo.
> 3.  In the meantime, if anyone has stuff they want to work on in there, I'm
>     happy to add anybody who wants as a collaborator or accept pull requests,
>     or whatever works for folks - until the licensing is straightened out and
>     things can find their own homes, it's probably best for there to be one
>     repository of record.
> 4.  Distributing things: I have a temporary plan for this: Set up a
>     continuous build of the whole enchilada on my Jenkins server, and dump all
>     the modules of a separate instance of
>     https://github.com/timboudreau/meta-update-center - all the build has to 
> do
>     is dump the contents into a folder it's watching, and updates will show
>     up. It's a tiny, lightweight update center server - example here
>     https://timboudreau.com/modules - no user rankings or frilly UI (could be
>     added if someone were ambitious), but it does what it does with zero
>     headaches.
>     I'll probably get to that next week - I'm replacing my server on Friday
>     with a 72Gb box, so since I've migrated all of the VMs, I'm not making
>     major changes on the old machine this week as I'd have to replicate them.
> 5.  Longer term...
>     A. There should probably a continuous build of this stuff somewhere else
>     (Apache? Something else?), which interested module owners can add jobs to,
>     with the same sort of automated distribution (Jenkins publishes nbms,
>     meta-update-center polls the URL of the built NBM and automatically 
> updates
>     if the Last-Modified header has changed) - so there remains some kind of
>     one-stop-shopping for community modules. I was never a huge fan of the
>     plugin portal's model for how developers use it, since you had to go and
>     manually update it - that's actually what inspired me to write
>     meta-update-center. So you set up Jenkins to build a "stable" branch, and
>     that gets distributed automagically whenever you push to it.
>     B. Need a way to flag stuff in contrib as clearly junk, because some of it
>     is. We could just nuke stuff, or remove it from the master POM, but at the
>     moment that's also serving as the notes for what needs fixing, so I'm not
>     dying to mix concerns there, and probably shouldn't take a chainsaw to
>     stuff until the relicensing is done or that will complicate things.
>     C. Something fancier could and probably should be done for distribution
>     long-term. I can contribute hosting of some stuff for now, but I barter
>     hosting a local TV station's streaming video server on that box for free
>     commercial-grade bandwidth, and I've had situations where Comcast techs
>     came in and screwed with the network configuration and I had to go figure
>     out what they'd done and fix it. So we're talking 95% uptime, but not five
>     nines. It will do for getting things going, though.
>     Thoughts?
>     -Tim
> > Probably
> > all the live modules or logical module groups (those active on the
> > Plugin Portal) should each get their own GH repo somewhere—does not
> > make sense to shove them all into one repo. And then how do bits get
> > distributed to users? I am not sure what happened to deadlock and its
> > CI job for contrib modules. Plugin Portal still seems to be alive but
> > what is its future? Of
> > http://plugins.netbeans.org/my-plugins
> > there are a number of plugins I would like to keep running and
> > available; some were already being maintained on GitHub, but some
> > (notably quickfilechooser) were not.
> >
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> --
> http://timboudreau.com

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