I'd rather that a major release number signify some major, breaking change.
But, I don't think that's realistic on something as broad and mature as NB
is. At the same time I wouldn't want all of the old modules to break on a
".2" release, but it's hard to envision any real scenario where that could

So, a quarterly dot release with an annual version change seems fine by me.
I see no reason to not stay with the current scheme, and release 10.0 next
year a quarter after 9.3. I think jumping to 18.1 or 19.0 to keep with the
calendar doesn't buy anyone anything.

I'm not sure if point releases after that are really important (9.2.1).
Those should be manageable via the update process, right? without a formal
release? or is there no way to update the core via the update process, but
only modules?

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