
I would like to start the discussion of making the next official release of
the 0.x branch.  I propose that this release be numbered 0.7.1 since it
seems that only bug fixes have occurred on the 0.x branch since 0.7.0 was

The JIRA link [1] below can show you the tickets that have been completed
in the 0.x branch.  There are 33 tickets in this list that are resolved.

Here is a list of JIRA tickets that are not yet complete that we need to
decide what to do with.

Patch Available
NIFI-2429 PersistentProvenanceRepository
NIFI-2774 ConsumeJMS

Open against 0.7.0
NIFI-2383 ListFiles
NIFI-2433 "Primary Node Only" processors (fixed in master but this ticket
is for 0.x)
NIFI-2798 Zookeeper security upgrade
NIFI-2801 Kafka processors documentation

Other high priority bugs not yet specifically targeted to the 0.x branch,
should we try to work these?
NIFI-1696 Event Driven processors
NIFI-1912 PutEmail content-type
NIFI-2163 follow the Linux service spec
NIFI-2409 StoreKiteInDataset invalid URI
NIFI-2562 PutHDFS data corruption
NIFI-2571 deprecate NiFiProperties.getInstance()

-- Mike

[1] -

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