Hi guys,

I have just (today) started having issues with a new processor I've written 
where a seemingly random class (e.g.: StandardValidators) fails to load when 
NiFi is initializing. I've created this processor like all my others (using the 
maven archetype) and the VM I'm running it on has not changed versions of any 

I removed any reference to StandardValidators, and the NAR then loaded 
successfully. As I added some more functionality, I then had the same 
ClassNotFoundException occur with a different random class.

Because I have used the maven archetype, all my other processors obviously use 
StandardValidators, so it's not like the class itself is somehow corrupted. 
This feels like either a NiFi or maybe even JVM bug (or other issue that is 
surfacing as this ClassNotFoundException).

Pulling my hair out here - would love some help!


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