Can you share the code by chance for a review?  Otherwise, you'll want
to add a debugger at runtime and examine the context classloader as it
goes through to see where it goes wonky.

What version are you on?


On Mon, Nov 6, 2017 at 11:58 AM, Phil H <> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I have just (today) started having issues with a new processor I've written 
> where a seemingly random class (e.g.: StandardValidators) fails to load when 
> NiFi is initializing. I've created this processor like all my others (using 
> the maven archetype) and the VM I'm running it on has not changed versions of 
> any software.
> I removed any reference to StandardValidators, and the NAR then loaded 
> successfully. As I added some more functionality, I then had the same 
> ClassNotFoundException occur with a different random class.
> Because I have used the maven archetype, all my other processors obviously 
> use StandardValidators, so it's not like the class itself is somehow 
> corrupted. This feels like either a NiFi or maybe even JVM bug (or other 
> issue that is surfacing as this ClassNotFoundException).
> Pulling my hair out here - would love some help!
> Cheers,
> Phil

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