I'm just a community contributor, so take that FWIW, but a compromise might
be to publish the Scala code as separate maven modules to maven central and
then submit a thoroughly tested processor written in Java. As long as you
have enough unit and integration tests to give strong coverage, I wouldn't
imagine anyone here would have issues reviewing it. If the tests fail
because of code issues in the external dependencies, the obvious answer is
to just hold the PR until the tests pass.

On Fri, Feb 9, 2018 at 9:00 AM, Weiss, Adam <adam.we...@perkinelmer.com>

> Devs,
> I have some interns starting with my team and we use Scala internally for
> our work.
> If I wanted to have them work to contribute some new processors, would
> they have to be Java to be included with the base distribution or could
> they use Scala as long as it fit within your current build and test process?
> Thanks,
> -Adam

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