Pinging to see if anyone has a work around for this?

-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Wicks (pwicks) <> 
Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2019 8:22 AM
Subject: Custom Javascript in UI Without Custom Build

I have some custom Javascript, used for application monitoring, that I'd like 
to put in the UI. I know how to do this if I'm willing to run a custom build of 
NiFi.  Is there anyway to do this without a custom build of NiFi?

My first thought was creating a dummy processor with an Advanced UI, and seeing 
if maybe I could get Javascript for that Advanced UI to run when the NiFi UI is 
loaded. This is a bit of work, so I thought I'd ask before trying this.

My second thought was to try and abuse the nifi.ui.banner.text setting, but 
this uses `text()` to set the banner text, so would not work for a block of 

I ran across this article by Scott Aslan,;;sdata=0gUO3oMynAPBTPTdDyE2uJ5n%2BTNY9P4HmDZm%2BdLhmDg%3D&amp;reserved=0,
 but it was focused on core NiFi UI (great read, just not the direction I'm 
trying to go).


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