
We are testing out a product called AppDynamics for application monitoring/user 
experience tracking. We've hooked it into NiFi as an javaagent, but it also has 
an option where you can inject some JavaScript into the frontend and monitor UX 

Doesn't really feel like something that NiFi needs to support, unless there was 
going to be a generic function to add .js files to make them globally 
accessible, like we do with jar's in the lib folder.


-----Original Message-----
From: Joe Witt <> 
Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2019 1:42 PM
Subject: [EXT] Re: Custom Javascript in UI Without Custom Build


I'm not aware of any plans to provide/support what you're suggesting at this 

Can you describe more what you mean and would be doing with this?  Is what you 
are trying to do something that the UI should just enable?


On Thu, Apr 25, 2019 at 3:26 PM Peter Wicks (pwicks) <>

> Pinging to see if anyone has a work around for this?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Peter Wicks (pwicks) <>
> Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2019 8:22 AM
> To:
> Subject: Custom Javascript in UI Without Custom Build
> I have some custom Javascript, used for application monitoring, that 
> I'd like to put in the UI. I know how to do this if I'm willing to run 
> a custom build of NiFi.  Is there anyway to do this without a custom build of 
> NiFi?
> My first thought was creating a dummy processor with an Advanced UI, 
> and seeing if maybe I could get Javascript for that Advanced UI to run 
> when the NiFi UI is loaded. This is a bit of work, so I thought I'd 
> ask before trying this.
> My second thought was to try and abuse the nifi.ui.banner.text 
> setting, but this uses `text()` to set the banner text, so would not 
> work for a block of Javascript.
> I ran across this article by Scott Aslan, 
> velopers-cookbook-part-1.html&amp;
> C5020dcc7439e41a117e508d6c9b88039%7Cf38a5ecd28134862b11bac1d563c806f%7
> C0%7C0%7C636918191599225831&amp;sdata=VwL6qUgXToeorwY4K4VxV%2FtHW%2B0H
> hdJbhHBXHgWoXV4%3D&amp;reserved=0,
> but it was focused on core NiFi UI (great read, just not the direction 
> I'm trying to go).
> Thanks,
>   Peter

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