I use nifi and minifi.

about 2 weeks ago, i had to use minifi on RaspberryPi 4.
So, I install minifi and minifi toolkit. but when i used 
${minifi-toolkit-0.5.0_HOME}/bin/config.sh with transform
it didn't work.

The error message is this.
Error : Unable to initialize main class 
Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError : javax/xml/bind/JAXBException

Have I should install Nifi at RaspberryPi4?

Please let me know to how to solve this problem.

ps. OS is a Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 and java version is 11.0.6

박재영 사원 / Big Data팀
Park Jaeyoung / Big Data Team

Mobile : 010.6322.2066 | email : qorghaos...@penta.co.kr | DIR : 02.769.9834


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