
With the release of NiFi 1.19.0 deprecating support for Java 8, the end of
the year provides a good opportunity for finalizing general release goals
for NiFi 2.0.

Based on previous discussions from July 2021 [1] and June 2022 [2], there
seems to be general agreement with focusing a NiFi 2.0 release on reducing
technical debt while providing a straightforward upgrade path for current

I have updated the NiFi 2.0 Proposed Release Goals [3] to reflect more
recent progress in several areas. I also linked the Deprecated Components
and Features [4] page outlining the current state of deprecated

The most recent update to the Proposed Release Goals outlines implementing
migration tooling to make the upgrade process as easy as possible. The
addition of dedicated deprecation logging in NiFi 1.18.0 makes it easier to
warn of breaking changes, but the goal of migration tooling is to make it
easier to upgrade configurations.

The Proposed Release Goals does not include any release timelines right
now, and we should anticipate supporting version 1 for a reasonable period
of time. As more and more libraries deprecate and drop support for Java 8,
it will become increasingly difficult to maintain a support branch, which
is one of the main drivers behind a NiFi 2.0 release that drops support for
Java 8.

The general development strategy should involve transitioning the main
branch to a 2.0.0-SNAPSHOT version so new features and fixes will be
targeted to the new version. Migration tooling will need to be implemented
on a version 1 support branch, and fixes can be backported where possible,
in preparation for subsequent version 1 releases.

With that background, I would like to move to a formal vote soon, changing
the Proposed Release Goals document to Planned Release Goals. Please weigh
the general goals highlighted, and if there are no major roadblocks
identified, I will follow up soon with a vote thread.

David Handermann


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