We have been trying to use the ExecuteStatless processor with our kafka
dataflow but we are having major issues. We have followed the only youtube
video that we have found to make sure our setup is good. The issue we have
is as soon as this processor is turned on, we start seeing the errors of
"too many open files handles". We are running this on a RHEL 7 environment
and have set our limiteNOFILE to 100000 in our
/usr/lib/system/system/confluent-nifi.service. This seems to work perfect
with the dataflow without the executestateless processor. 


I will try to provide everything I can, but we are running this on a private
system so some things will be harder to provide. Any help will be


Bradley Fields

JRSS IT Data Engineer, TN11 JRSS

Contractor, Leidos Inc.


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