I think the below steps will do a an atomic tag/branch (Branch protections
may be needed as well)
Let's fully understand the release process before proposing a solution.  That sounds like a disaster.
However, it exemplifies why Submodules are evil but useful.  A much simpler
approach is 2 folder is the same project - I am aware of ALL the arguments -
I agree with most of them but there are dependency on nuttx to apps from all
the defconfig files and nsh)

No, the APPSDIR is configure-able.  The default configurations all use ../apps/ for APPSDIR because there are not other apps in the repositores.  There have been many discussions on the old forums on how to use custom applications, so I know end users actually do that.  I know, for example, that many users do not use NSH (which the most popular thing in apps/).

Consider also:


I don't think simple is particularly strong argument.

First question I would poll the community is: "How many of you do not use
the apps folder?"

This is an internal architectural decision and I don't think it is an issue that involves any kind of community vote.  That is how we got Trump, we get a dictatorship of the uninformed majority. The PPMC should make all decisions based on sound reasonbing.  I personally would be very opposed to anything which corrupts the clean OS architecture by coupling it with any application.

This discussion is really all about a proposed shortcut for a release (a release that we do not yet understand).  I would say two things about that:  (1) I don't think we should take shortcuts to releases (and we certainly should not sacrifice the integrity of the OS just to use a shortcut) -- that is one of the "enemies" of good system design.  And (2) we really need to understand and document the release procedure BEFORE we begin proposing solutions, especially solutions that have long reachable negative impacts.

Tradeoffs are a necessary part of getting things done and all trade-offs involve compromising between two things, one that you like and one that you dont like.  We may have to compromise things to achieve what we want, but now is not the time.  But remember that "premature optimization is the root of all evil."

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