This doesn't seem to accept my LDAP credentials.  Actually, it does.  I can log 
in but I don't seem to have authority to do anything.
Fixed - any NuttX committer will now be able to add/edit/comment on pages. 
Opening it wider than that may attract spam.


I had to limit the DocuWiki's too.  Not because I wanted to, but because it was constantly under attack.  One day I noticed 37 thousand+ new subscribers in a span a a couple of weeks.

Now that the SGA has been filed we can also request that the repositories be 
set up well, correct?
They are easy to set up, from the other documentation it seems we want two 
reports right. what should they be called?

I am unsure of the terminology "report".  I assume this is the name of the GIT repository?  For consistency, the name of the repositories should be apps/ and nuttx/.


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