That was a bigger hassle than I expected.  The converter tool was getting
tripped up with odd escaping and generating bad XML files for confluence,
but I think it is good now.
I also went through and manually cleaned the naming, obvious issues, and
inserted a bunch of confluence macros on the pages.


I think it is good to go live, but there are a few things to address:
1) There are some links that were not wiki links, but url links to the wiki
that did not get converted.  I have the sources to find all of these, so I
will tackle that soon.
2a) The documentation pages are embedding the HTML documentation that is on
nuttx.org/Documentation but once the code is moved to github/apache I will
update to pull the latest.
2b) The documentation is using favicons internally as images, this is not
valid and causes issues broken image links.  This should be fixed in the
code no changes are needed on the wiki.
3) The presentations are linked to pdfs at nuttx.org Those PDFs should just
become attachments to wiki pages.

Justin if you move this to NUTTX from NUTTXTEST please add me to the
permissions on that space as well.


On Sun, Dec 15, 2019 at 4:27 PM Gregory Nutt <spudan...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > First stab at the import went surprisingly well.  All but a few pages
> > converted, unfortunately the hierarchy did not convert correctly so I
> will
> > have to mess with it more (these tools are mostly abandoned for 8+ years
> so
> > at least they run).
> That is good news.
> > Greg I dont think I will need the other non wiki files since they were
> not
> > wiki attachments they are just external links, we will just have to
> > manually re-import them which should be easy enough.
> I am about ready to go upstairs where the internet is good and I will
> still transfer them.  They might come in handy for you.
> Greg

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