Hmm...going further, the only way I see to deal with this at the nxgl layer above the lcd structure itself is to add a nx_redraw with corresponding NX_EVENT_REDRAWING/NXEVENT_REDRAWN event callbacks, but that makes the nxgl layer device-aware...I don't see how it can't be really, these things are pretty different to traditional LCDs. For the case of the lcd nx_updatedisplay member not being present I would just return the NXEVENT_REDRAWN immediately so everything would remain back-compatible.

I don't really see any way to avoid this. Greg, any suggestions for a better approach?



On 17/12/2019 10:56, Dave Marples wrote:

I've implemented an ePaper driver under nxgl, but as some of you are probably aware there needs to be an explicit redraw request to update an ePaper display.

I'm not quite sure how to do that under nxgl as normally it would be driven automatically. It also takes a fair bit of time (~14 seconds for a colour display) during which period access to the ePaper is 'locked out' so the application really does need to be aware of what is going on.

My intention is to add an nx_updatedisplay() API...but is there a better, or already available, way to do this? It could be done via a call to nx_setvisibility on the background window I guess, but personally I don't like overlaid semantics like that...



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