Thank you Justin for the quick answers! 

1 more below

On 2019/12/19 14:00:36, Justin Mclean <> wrote: 
> Hi,
> > I would like to get some clarification on the projects degrees of freedom
> > under ASF from our mentors.
> As long as you follow the Apache Way you are free to do what you want. We 
> have a lot of history and over time have built up guidelines which describe 
> what has worked well. Sometimes it's not obvious why these guidelines may 
> exists, so ask if you don’t know or understand or think they seem strange. 
> Sometimes these guideline might not work for your project, that’s OK, if you 
> want to do things in a different way discuss it with the incubator PMC. There 
> is not one path for all projects.
> > Am I correct in understanding that ASF requires project dev communications
> > to be in the open and publicly available” ?
> Yes.
> > Does this need to be on only these mailing lists we have been provided by
> > ASF? 
> It’s preferable yes. But if they can be archived and searchable that’s fine. 
> Often a solution is automatically sending that conversion to a mailing list 
> or bringing back a summary to the list.

Do I understand you correctly? We can use the original google group and add a 
user there with the

> > I ask this for the reason that the lists are very hard to follow.
> Use subject line to guide you, Id suggest using an email client that supports 
> threads and rules to group messages. You don’t have to read everything. Given 
> it is early days, there’s a lot of noise, I think this will get better over 
> time.
> > Who is the moderator on a list?
> There’s a couple of moderators, if you want to be one just ask, but that’s 
> more to accept/reject emails from people who are not subscribed. All emails 
> from a subscribed address are automatically accepted.
> > - If someone is being abusive is that left on the list forever?
> In general yes. It hard to remove emails and they are archived in many public 
> places.
> > How does one correct a mistake in their post?
> Generally just reply and correct the mistake.
> > Is it an ASF edict to not use the existing NuttX slack?
> No but we would prefer conversation on the mailing list for reasons mentioned 
> above.
> > Other than the release procedures and distribution tools/locations is the
> > project free to use any tool we want for development, testing and CI?
> In general yes. Some tools are easier to use as Infra already supports them.
> > Given the history in the name of  ASF: Are we required to support changes
> > by patches?
> >     -  What tool does apache support for avoiding duplicate work on
> > patches? Is there a semaphore?
> >    - How does a group review a patch collaboratively?
> There’s no ASF requirements here, it's up to the project to work that out.
> Hope that helps and answer your questions. If you have any or just ask.
> Thanks,
> Justin

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