Hi Ben,

You need to describer better your issue and what you are trying to do.
We cannot guess what is happening at your side.

Normally the /CS should goes low before the SPI data transfer and
should go high at end of the transfer. So if you are connecting it to
74AHC1G125 to /OE you should see the MOSI signal at the pin Y.

Are you connecting the /CS at your other device that probably is
connected to 74AHC1G125 ?



On 1/12/20, disruptivesolution...@gmail.com
<disruptivesolution...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Why is the CS not pulled low at the end? So it can receive the last 0xFF?
> When I bypass the gate it is working.. Using the gate it is not?
> Thanks
> Ben

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