On Wed, May 13, 2020 at 12:26 PM Gregory Nutt <spudan...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > If all goes well, there will be a big pull request coming soon. Wish me
> luck!
> I think we should consider getting a review team together.  This will be
> more than a single person can review (especially if that single person
> is me since I am completely out of touch with with STM32 these days).
> Can we have 3 or 4 volunteers who can perform the review:  David
> Sidrane? Mateusz Szafoni? Matias N.? Alan? Others?
> My personal preference would be stand out of the way and let a team of
> experts do the review and merge.  I get overwhelmed with large changes
> that I don't understand and usually just commit them blindly.  Not a
> good way to run a business.

I would appreciate that. In fact my intention was to request that several
people review it, since there are about 7000 lines of changes and new code,
and a bunch of new files.

If needed, it can be broken down into smaller PRs, but that's something I'd
like to talk to the reviewers about, to do it however works best for


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