Re: using a BSD driver, I didn't get what you mean about bringing in 3rd party code– it's BSD licensed, my understanding is that it can be brought in. Is that wrong?

You will need to discuss with Justin.  We have talked about this numerous times and still don't have any idea what is required. You will never get an ICLA or an SGA from business that have now no financial reason to do such a legal thing.  No good attorney would every recommend that.  There is no defined criterion for documenting what "getting permission from the copyright holder means."

So as far as I know projects like SocketCAN which a good contributor has worked so hard on is stuck in limbo.  And other people are circumventing the requirements by downloading code at build time.

You guess is as good as mine how and open source project is supposed to use fully compatible code.  I wish I knew and I wish I could help people who want to make contributions.  But I don't.

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