Dear all,

i would like to see Nuttx support for the PostgreSQL client library libpq(, and a library for SCPI( These scpi parser lib could then be used for USBTMC and LXI, 2 standards to expose lab instruments in a standardized way to software like LabView, GNU Octave, ect.

Both projects are under BSD license, so they should be compatible from the license side with Nuttx.

I think, as common libraries for other app, and maybe service, they should be placed under nuttxspace/nuttx/libs in the Nuttx tree, not in the application tree. At least the PostgreSQL client library requires network. What would be the advice, where to place these kind of libraries?

For the PostgreSQL client library, there are implementations for Arudino, additional to the PC based implementations. But because the POSIX compatibility of Nuttx, starting from the Linux version should make more sense, or?


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