On Sun, Apr 23, 2023 at 10:22 AM Gregory Nutt <spudan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> These are internal OS interfaces.  In NuttX, sched_lock() is exported as
> a standard application interface.  That, I think is wrong.  An
> application should not require such an interface, there is no precedent
> in any standard for application control of the pre-emption state, and,
> in fact, I think it is a security issue that we permit this.  Does it
> really make since that any application should be able to just stop the
> scheduler????
> There are many uses of sched_lock() in apps/ now:


> It might be possible to re-design some of these to avoid disabling
> pre-emption.  I am not sure.  We would probably lose some of them  and
> the re-design of the others could be a very complicated job.
> OStest, for example, requires sched_lock() to control order of execution
> of threads to set up test cases.  Without sched_lock(), we could not
> test the OS from user space.  OStest has historically used internal OS
> interface in order to implement semi-white-box testing.

Possibly stupid idea: Maybe OStest needs to become part of the OS and
not part of apps?

> My position is:
>   * We have to keep sched_lock() as an OS internal interface and retain
>     its current behavior.
>   * Re-naming the interface, documenting the interface, doing whatever
>     we can to assure proper usage is fine.
>   * I have mixed feelings about removing user access to sched_lock().  I
>     think it is the correct thing to do, but I don't know if I would
>     like the consequences of that decision.
> NOTE: sched_lock() was documented in the past, but that documentation
> was removed from the repository and from general access for some reason:
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/NUTTX/User+Guide#schedlock

>From that page:

"Description: This function disables context switching by Disabling
addition of new tasks to the ready-to-run task list. The task that
calls this function will be the only task that is allowed to run until
it either calls sched_unlock (the appropriate number of times) or
until it blocks itself."

I would suggest to add something like: "Interrupts are not disabled,
allowing real-time interrupt response to take place."

Also on that page:

"POSIX Compatibility: This is a NON-POSIX interface. VxWorks provides
the comparable interface:
    STATUS taskLock(void);"

I would suggest to add other known similar interfaces that Greg just mentioned:

>   * Linux has pre-empt disable:
>     https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/preempt-locking.txt,
> https://elixir.bootlin.com/linux/latest/source/tools/testing/selftests/rcutorture/formal/srcu-cbmc/src/preempt.c#L58
>   * Zephyr has k_sched_lock():
> https://docs.zephyrproject.org/3.0.0/reference/kernel/scheduling/index.html

As we learn of and confirm additional ones from other OSes, we can
continue to add them. Gradually, over time, I recommend to add such
documentation to other interfaces as well. That could help people
migrating from other RTOSes to NuttX.

The file sched/sched/sched_lock.c contains a rather good explanation IMO:

/* Pre-emption is disabled via the interface sched_lock(). sched_lock()
 * works by preventing context switches from the currently executing tasks.
 * This prevents other tasks from running (without disabling interrupts) and
 * gives the currently executing task exclusive access to the (single) CPU
 * resources. Thus, sched_lock() and its companion, sched_unlock(), are
 * used to implement some critical sections.
 * In the single CPU case, pre-emption is disabled using a simple lockcount
 * in the TCB. When the scheduling is locked, the lockcount is incremented;
 * when the scheduler is unlocked, the lockcount is decremented. If the
 * lockcount for the task at the head of the g_readytorun list has a
 * lockcount > 0, then pre-emption is disabled.
 * No special protection is required since only the executing task can
 * modify its lockcount.

/* In the multiple CPU, SMP case, disabling context switches will not give a
 * task exclusive access to the (multiple) CPU resources (at least without
 * stopping the other CPUs): Even though pre-emption is disabled, other
 * threads will still be executing on the other CPUS.
 * There are additional rules for this multi-CPU case:
 * 1. There is a global lock count 'g_cpu_lockset' that includes a bit for
 *    each CPU: If the bit is '1', then the corresponding CPU has the
 *    scheduler locked; if '0', then the CPU does not have the scheduler
 *    locked.
 * 2. Scheduling logic would set the bit associated with the cpu in
 *    'g_cpu_lockset' when the TCB at the head of the g_assignedtasks[cpu]
 *    list transitions has 'lockcount' > 0. This might happen when
 *    sched_lock() is called, or after a context switch that changes the
 *    TCB at the head of the g_assignedtasks[cpu] list.
 * 3. Similarly, the cpu bit in the global 'g_cpu_lockset' would be cleared
 *    when the TCB at the head of the g_assignedtasks[cpu] list has
 *    'lockcount' == 0. This might happen when sched_unlock() is called, or
 *    after a context switch that changes the TCB at the head of the
 *    g_assignedtasks[cpu] list.
 * 4. Modification of the global 'g_cpu_lockset' must be protected by a
 *    spinlock, 'g_cpu_schedlock'. That spinlock would be taken when
 *    sched_lock() is called, and released when sched_unlock() is called.
 *    This assures that the scheduler does enforce the critical section.
 *    NOTE: Because of this spinlock, there should never be more than one
 *    bit set in 'g_cpu_lockset'; attempts to set additional bits should
 *    cause the CPU to block on the spinlock.  However, additional bits
 *    could get set in 'g_cpu_lockset' due to the context switches on the
 *    various CPUs.
 * 5. Each time the head of a g_assignedtasks[] list changes and the
 *    scheduler modifies 'g_cpu_lockset', it must also set 'g_cpu_schedlock'
 *    depending on the new state of 'g_cpu_lockset'.
 * 5. Logic that currently uses the currently running tasks lockcount
 *    instead uses the global 'g_cpu_schedlock'. A value of SP_UNLOCKED
 *    means that no CPU has pre-emption disabled; SP_LOCKED means that at
 *    least one CPU has pre-emption disabled.

If anyone can point out what is missing/wrong in the above, that would
be helpful.

The function's docstring could be expanded a little bit to explain
that interrupts are not disabled. Currently it does not say that:

 * Name:  sched_lock
 * Description:
 *   This function disables context switching by disabling addition of
 *   new tasks to the g_readytorun task list.  The task that calls this
 *   function will be the only task that is allowed to run until it
 *   either calls  sched_unlock() (the appropriate number of times) or
 *   until it blocks itself.
 * Input Parameters:
 *   None
 * Returned Value:
 *   OK on success; ERROR on failure

Did we ever have a document that explains when to call sched_lock() vs
when to call enter_critical_section()? If not, that could be useful.
Most of what was discussed in this thread can be cleaned up a little
bit and made into that documentation.


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