That is indeed a great board.

I did a brief look into ESP32 NuttX BLE support and have more questions
than answers :) Also the USB host interface is not ported. So I was
thinking of picking Orange Pi 3G-IOT-B for prototyping and then go with
stage 2 cost reduction with ESP32-S3. My only concern is the security and
copy protection, but I found that there is a way to encrypt the file system
on Orange Pi, so I suppose that it is a kind of alternative to tamper
protection of ESP32 secure boot + flash encryption.

Regarding the computing power, my current estimates are 200MHz CPU with
512K RAM and 2MB should be fine, but I'm still in the research phase.

Best regards,

чт, 20 квіт. 2023 р. о 21:05 Tim Hardisty <> пише:

> What sort processing power? Memory? Peripherals?
> SAMA5D27 (not that I’m biased lol) perhaps? ATSAMA5D27-WLSOM1 eval board
> has what you need but might be over the top? USB host/device works and you
> can do OTG/DRP on a custom board and it should be more than capable of
> doing CDC-ACM I would have thought?
> From: Petro Karashchenko <>
> Reply to: "" <>
> Date: Thursday, 20 April 2023 at 14:25
> To: "" <>
> Subject: MCU/Board with WiFi, BT and USB Host
> Hello, I'm looking for an MCU or better a development board that has WiFi,
> BT and USB host capabilities. Can anybody give me advice for that? I need
> to connect a CDC ACM device to that USB, so maybe there are some
> alternatives that can be used (there is a device that exposes its
> functionality via USB to serial), so I need to communicate with that from
> my device. If that MCU is supported by NuttX then it would be super
> fantastic! Best regards, Petro

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