On 9/14/2023 8:52 AM, Alan C. Assis wrote:
I think the authors of the driver can release the source code using
two or more licenses.
cd c
We already have an example of it in NuttX: SocketCAN

Since they add the OR license clause it is fine.

The part that bothers me is that I cannot tell which license applies to the code from looking at the SPDX.  If I am contemplating using NuttX, I could not say which license is selected in this context.  I suppose the authoritative document is the SPDX specification, but this does not make anything clear to me: https://spdx.github.io/spdx-spec/v2-draft/SPDX-license-expressions/#d42-disjunctive-or-operator.

apps/LICENSE lists this license for canutils/candump, cansend, and libcanutils, but does not clarify the OR condition.

I would be hesitant to use the code in my project because of this doubt.

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