On the Tiny Tapeout discord channel, the engineer who submitted the Z80 design said the z88dk toolchain was the "most mature".  Looking at it I believe he may be correct as it has a full compliment of tools simialr to an GNU toolchain. It uses sdcc but with improvements / enhancements and it is maintained (last commit was 2 days ago):



On 5/4/24 12:56 AM, Byron Ellacott wrote:
Hi Greg & Kenneth,

As far as I'm aware the only C compilers around for the (e)Z80 are still
ZDSII, SDCC, and LLVM patched for the TI 84+ calculator, all with
drawbacks: ZDSII is C89, SDCC doesn't support the eZ80 in 24-bit mode, and
the LLVM patch only produces binaries loadable on the calculator. I did
have a further patch for LLVM to produce ELF objects, as GNU binutils fully
supports the eZ80, but I haven't kept that up to date with changes to
either llvm or the TI 84+ patches to llvm.

(I still use an llvm 13.0.0 patched both for eZ80 for TI 84+, and further
to produce ELF objects, myself).

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