
Just to let you know that I have been able to reproduce the bug, and I
am working on fixing it.

Olivier Heintz <holivier.li...@ofbizextra.org> writes:

> In my environment (Linux,  openjdk version "1.8.0_171") plugin install 
> process does not work any more since this commit (june, 20)
>  def taskExistsInproject(fullyQualifiedProject, taskName) {
> -    def taskExists = false
> -    subprojects.each { subProject ->
> -        if (subProject.getPath().equals(fullyQualifiedProject.toString())) {
> -            subProject.tasks.each { projTask ->
> -                if (taskName.equals(projTask.name)) {
> -                    taskExists = true
> -                }
> -            }
> -        }
> -    }
> -    return taskExists
> +    subprojects.stream()
> +        .filter { it.path == fullyQualifiedProject.toString() }
> +        .flatMap { it.tasks.stream() }
> +        .anyMatch taskName.&equals
>  }
> When I try to install the message is
>  ./gradlew installPlugin -PpluginId=testPlugin1
> :installPlugin
> No install task defined for plugin testPlugin1, nothing to do
> Total time: 1.516 secs
> My testPlugin1 build.gradle is very simple
> task install {
>       doLast {
>               println 'install task for my plugin test1'
>               exec{ commandLine 'echo', 'Bonjour' } // this could be what you 
> want
>       }
> }
> task uninstall {
>       doLast {
>               println 'un-install task for my plugin test1'
>               exec{ commandLine 'echo', 'Au-revoir' } // this could be what 
> you want
>       }
> }
> task hello {
>       doLast {
>          println 'tutorialspoint'
>       }
> }
> with the previous version of taskExistsInproject  it works
> └─$ ./gradlew installPlugin -PpluginId=testPlugin1
> :plugins:testPlugin1:install
> install task for my plugin test1
> Bonjour
> :installPlugin
> installed plugin testPlugin1
> Total time: 3.134 secs

Mathieu Lirzin
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