Well, I guess Shi rushed another commit without a proper review. And
now we have a bug reported in [1]. The strange thing is that Shi
suggested he's no longer interested in this work!

On Fri, Aug 10, 2018 at 10:51 AM Shi Jinghai <huaru...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks Taher for the great proposal!
> +1.
> I tested Swagger OpenAPI editor[1], both 2.0 and 3.0.n regulations support 
> multiple methods for one uri/path, here is my test code (yaml format):
> openapi: "3.0.1"
> info:
>   title: OFBiz OpenAPI Test
>   description: OFBiz OpenAPI Test
>   version: 1.0.0
> tags:
> - name: "pet"
>   description: "Everything about your Pets"
>   externalDocs:
>     description: "Find out more"
>     url: "http://swagger.io";
> paths:
>   /webtools/control/pet:
>     get:
>       tags:
>       - "pet"
>       summary: "Add a new pet to the store"
>       description: ""
>       operationId: "addPet"
>       parameters:
>       - in: "query"
>         name: "body"
>         description: "Pet object that needs to be added to the store"
>         required: true
>         schema:
>           $ref: "#/components/schemas/Pet"
>       responses:
>         405:
>           description: "Invalid input"
>     post:
>       tags:
>       - "pet"
>       summary: "Update an existing pet"
>       description: ""
>       operationId: "updatePet"
>       parameters:
>       - in: "query"
>         name: "body"
>         description: "Pet object that needs to be added to the store"
>         required: true
>         schema:
>           $ref: "#/components/schemas/Pet"
>       responses:
>         400:
>           description: "Invalid ID supplied"
>         404:
>           description: "Pet not found"
>         405:
>           description: "Validation exception"
> components:
>   schemas:
>     Category:
>       type: "object"
>       properties:
>         id:
>           type: "integer"
>           format: "int64"
>         name:
>           type: "string"
>       xml:
>         name: "Category"
>     Tag:
>       type: "object"
>       properties:
>         id:
>           type: "integer"
>           format: "int64"
>         name:
>           type: "string"
>       xml:
>         name: "Tag"
>     Pet:
>       type: "object"
>       required:
>       - "name"
>       - "photoUrls"
>       properties:
>         id:
>           type: "integer"
>           format: "int64"
>         category:
>           $ref: "#/components/schemas/Category"
>         name:
>           type: "string"
>           example: "doggie"
>         photoUrls:
>           type: "array"
>           xml:
>             name: "photoUrl"
>             wrapped: true
>           items:
>             type: "string"
>         tags:
>           type: "array"
>           xml:
>             name: "tag"
>             wrapped: true
>           items:
>             $ref: "#/components/schemas/Tag"
>         status:
>           type: "string"
>           description: "pet status in the store"
>           enum:
>           - "available"
>           - "pending"
>           - "sold"
>           xml:
>             name: "Pet"
> externalDocs:
>   description: "Find out more about Swagger"
>   url: "http://swagger.io";
> Kind Regards,
> Shi Jinghai
> [1] https://editor.swagger.io/
> -----邮件原件-----
> 发件人: Taher Alkhateeb [mailto:slidingfilame...@gmail.com]
> 发送时间: 2018年8月9日 23:31
> 收件人: OFBIZ Development Mailing List
> 主题: [Proposal] Enhance the controller logic to accommodate HTTP methods and 
> prepare for REST
> Hello Everyone,
> We want to make this formal with proper community consensus and I will
> try to keep this short.
> In [1] Mathieu Lirzin is providing some (in my opinion) good work on
> converting the Control Servlet logic to be able to handle the
> different HTTP methods (GET, POST, etc ...) The purpose of the work in
> this JIRA is simple. You should be able to call a request with a
> different HTTP methods by using a format like <request-map uri="ping"
> method="post">. You can find a more detailed discussion in [2]. This
> is the first step of a multi-step process to be able to integrate REST
> API with OFBiz.
> So, this is a proposal to apply the following:
> 1- Enhance the controller to be able to accommodate one-or-more HTTP
> methods (method="GET,POST")
> 2- Enhance the controller to further be able to get "patterns" that
> can be mapped to REST APIs. So a request like
> https://host/control/request/customer/orders/1/orderName can be
> processed as a resource
> Please correct me if I was wrong on anything written here Mathieu, and
> please everyone provide your feedback if you approve of moving forward
> with this initiative.
> [1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-10438
> [2] https://s.apache.org/ec2r

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