Hi Jacques,


Am 31.01.20 um 10:06 schrieb Jacques Le Roux:

Yes, that's kind of what I think about.

We are blocking this improvement because of an external use of the feature. This external use should be adapted to use the replacing mechanism. That needs a deprecation process.

In this context, I though see 2 different things:

1. Remove component-load.xml from framework as it's not an issue for the external use. No deprecation process needed.


2. Remove component-load.xml from applications and plugins. As it's an issue for the external use the deprecation process is needed.

This will need thorough discussion of all the pros and cons *before* we take action on this. I feel this needs more discussion and awareness of other community members and users.

A summary of the pros and cons would help making it easier for others to decide.

And, most important, the big plan behind this should be laid out so that we have a chance to understand why this would be important.

Those should be clearly separated.



Thanks for the moderation of this topic,


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