Jacques Le Roux <jacques.le.r...@les7arts.com> writes:

> Le 11/03/2020 à 12:33, Mathieu Lirzin a écrit :
>> Yes things seems to happen not magically but by putting earplugs on and
>> going ahead, which is certainly more effective but IMO not acceptable
>> when working within a community.
> I'm not sure to who it's destined, so I'll not take it for me :)

This was destined to no-one, it was just general remark regarding
handling community input on a proposal. So you do not have to feel

By the way the expression “not acceptable” was probably too strong and
should have been “not a good thing” because as Pierre said this is
eventually necessary to get things done.

>> The simple solution to prevent this is to get into the habit of
>> linearizing history, meaning always rebasing and clean history before
>> merging into trunk.
> I guess the GH merge button option "Rebase and merge" is what we are
> looking to enforce with the request to Infra, right?

I personnally think we should have *no button* because the committers
should cleanup the commits (reword, squash, ...) before merging to
trunk, but "rebase and merge" is an improvement compared to basic

Mathieu Lirzin
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