On Nov 27, 2014, at 6:25 PM, Jacques Le Roux <jacques.le.r...@les7arts.com> 

> Do we want to keep all current components (some disabled) until we decide 
> those which should  go to Attic? For instance we already kind of spoke about 
> appserver going to Attic.
> This could be decided before for some components; the less components, the 
> less discussions.  But yes, we can go with separate discussions, or we will 
> see that later...

Whatever you prefer... we can postpone/anticipate or do it in parallel the 
discussion; however I would like to make very clear that if a component is not 
good for a release it doesn't necessarily mean it should go to attic; also of a 
component is disabled it could still be good for a release: these are different 

With this said, in your list please specify:
a) the components that should go to attic
b) the component that should go in a release (and why)



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