
I'd propose "close", for closing de period where the data was active...

But i'm not sure if this is not going too far, the algorithm beneath is not quite simple to be an auto thing. When i develop i would prefer only updating my GV after setting my closing date.

What do you think ?


On 06/02/2016 10:18, Nicolas Malin wrote:
Hi guys,

During the simple crud service to entity-auto, I detect the remove(Entity) service that didn't remove the generic value from the data base put only set the field thruDate to now.

I think this operation isn't in coherence with the service name, yes generally the operation is logical on context but not really on the abstract interface. I wish introduce a new operation on the entity-auto invocation : cancel (or an other nice word that you fell better).

The idea, when you call cancel :
* check if a field date is present on IN service fields and isn't a pk -> set at now * else check if a field like %statusId is present on IN service fields and isn't a pk -> check the related cancel status (if possible to resolve it by the StatusType) * else check if a thruDate is present and isn't a pk and it's empty -> set at now * else check if a%thruDate is present and isn't a pk and it's empty -> set at now
if one case match, call update

After we would be use the pattern like cancelProductCategoryMember.

<service name="cancelProductCategoryMember" engine="entity-auto" default-entity-name="ProductCategoryMember" invoke="cancel" auth="true">
        <description>Cancel a ProductCategoryMember</description>
<permission-service service-name="genericProductPermission" main-action="UPDATE"/>
        <auto-attributes mode="IN" include="pk" optional="false"/>

As usual any suggest are welcome :)

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