Le 06/02/2016 10:18, Nicolas Malin a écrit :
Hi guys,

During the simple crud service to entity-auto, I detect the remove(Entity) service that didn't remove the generic value from the data base put only set the field thruDate to now.

I think this operation isn't in coherence with the service name, yes generally the operation is logical on context but not really on the abstract interface. I wish introduce a new operation on the entity-auto invocation : cancel (or an other nice word that you fell better).

I agree with Pierre's proposition, *"expire"* seems the right word for me too

The idea, when you call cancel :
 * check if a field date is present on IN service fields and isn't a pk -> set 
at now

What do you mean exactly by a "field date", how do you discern between estimatedStartDate and estimatedCompletionDate (of course only the last should be set to now)

* else check if a field like %statusId is present on IN service fields and isn't a pk -> check the related cancel status (if possible to resolve it by the StatusType)

This seems more normalised, I though found a fromStatusId in changeOrderItemStatus service, and checkStatusId in updateStatusImageManagement and sprintStatusId + custRequestStatusId in autoScrumNotification

 * else check if a thruDate is present and isn't a pk and it's empty -> set at 
 * else check if a%thruDate is present and isn't a pk and it's empty -> set at 

Looking at services definitions (and not implementations so could be a false issue), it seems we need to handle cases like thruTransactionDate or thruEntryDate also, etc.

if one case match, call update

After we would be use the pattern like cancelProductCategoryMember.

    <service name="cancelProductCategoryMember" engine="entity-auto" 
default-entity-name="ProductCategoryMember" invoke="cancel" auth="true">
        <description>Cancel a ProductCategoryMember</description>
        <permission-service service-name="genericProductPermission" 
        <auto-attributes mode="IN" include="pk" optional="false"/>

As usual any suggest are welcome :)

This sounds good to me, we just need to be sure we review all things before 

BTW I was reviewing last Nicolas's entity-auto changes (r1726323, r1726327, 
r1726334, r1726338)

and stumbled upon things which make me wonder

Why services like
    createTaxAuthority have a acctgBasePermissionCheck (r1726327)
    while services like createCreditCardTypeGlAccount have none (r1726334)
This was before Nicolas's changes, so just wondering. I guess because those services are only called OOTB from screen/s where acctgBasePermissionCheck is already used. But what if they are used otherwise (eg as an API)?

Nicolas not a big deal, but should we not have copied this comment above 
createCommunicationEventPurpose service definition?
-    <!-- since these ancillary operations on communication event cause them to 
be updated,
-        they will all use the CME_UPDATE permission -->
Mmm... after deeper review not sure it adds much since it's clear at bottom of 
partyCommunicationEventPermissionCheck, but I let it to show I reviewed :D

I will continue the review for r1728261 and r1726542. It was really a good idea 
to switch to entity-auto, things are much clearer.


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