Ah ahahah :)

I worked with some great sys admin that use Make to automate some admin sys task.

They are often a confuse that a build system is also an automation tool


Le 21/01/2017 à 09:49, Pierre Smits a écrit :
As I have explained before and in other threads, using build solutions
(like Ant and Gradle) - as a means to start ofbiz in production
environments - is stupid.

Best regards,

Pierre Smits

ORRTIZ.COM <http://www.orrtiz.com>
OFBiz based solutions & services

OFBiz Extensions Marketplace

On Sat, Jan 21, 2017 at 9:16 AM, Nicolas Malin <nicolas.ma...@nereide.fr>


@Taher sorry for this another thread on the subject ! Yes an know that my
environment wasn't perfect, I just try to notify that when ofbiz rebuild to
stop it doesn't work completely. I already detected this with ant, some
time when you call an "ant stop" by a new ofbiz on an currently running
ofbiz, the order don't works and you need to call the operating system to
help you.

@Jacques Thanks for remind this issue, I will care off. I notified that
you call the jar directly on the debian script, maybe it's a potential
solution if we don't use gradle on a production server.

@Gil Thanks also for this remind, I forget the terminateOfbiz command.
Just after read it, It's a few strong to stop a process by kill -9 at each
time ^^, normally we use this drastic command for exceptional case


Le 19/01/2017 à 14:39, Jacques Le Roux a écrit :

The trunk and stable demo work well and uses respectively the simple
scripts you can find in tools\demo-backup

I though crossed and issue because the demo server runs several OFBiz
instances with Gradle. I documented it there


This said a sole instance should not have any issue running in
background, even also when using a portoffset, as stable-manual.sh shows



Le 19/01/2017 à 12:17, Taher Alkhateeb a écrit :

Hi Nicolas,

I cannot repeat this behavior. OFBiz is shutting down normally when I
start it with ./gradlew ofbizBackground followed by ./gradlew "ofbiz
--shutdown". Are you sure you got the environment setup correctly?


Taher Alkhateeb

On Thu, Jan 19, 2017 at 2:00 PM, Nicolas Malin <nicolas.ma...@nereide.fr
<mailto:nicolas.ma...@nereide.fr>> wrote:


     Yesterday during the birt improvement I run the ofbiz with the
command under linux :

     $./gradlew build ofbizBackground

     After some tests I correct the java code and want to stop ofbiz

     $./gradlew "ofbiz -d"

     Gradle build ofbiz and says ofbiz down. But after a analyze

     $ ps aux | grep java

     mnicolas 14946  5.4  9.1 4669464 734960 ?      Sl   11:16 1:49
/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/bin/java -Xms128M -Xmx1024M
-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Duser.country=FR -Duser.language=fr -Duser.variant
-cp /home/mnicolas/workspace/apache-ofbiz-git/build/libs/ofbiz.jar

     Hmm ofbiz wasn't down, I restarted the command, same result.

     To solve I found two solutions :

     * the Goodness kill command (he he he)

     * Call directly the jar $java -jar build/libs/ofbiz.jar -d

     I know that my call to ofbizBackground wasn't not a realistic
production case, but I prefer to sharing this with the thinking about what
is the
     best way to down ofbiz. Do we need use gradle but in this case why
call build target, directly call the jar or by operating system order !

     On the README.md whe have the example of gradlew "ofbiz --shutdown",
please help me to found the better way :)


     --     logoNrd <https://nereide.fr/>     Nicolas Malin The apache
way <http://theapacheway.com/> : *Openness* Technical decisions are
made publicly
     informat...@nereide.fr <mailto:informat...@nereide.fr>8 rue des
Déportés 37000 TOURS, 02 47 50 30 54

     Apache OFBiz <http://ofbiz.apache.org/>|The Apache Way <
http://theapacheway.com/>|ofbiz-fr <http://www.ofbiz-fr.org/>|réseau LE

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