Rob Weir wrote:
On Tue, Nov 13, 2012 at 4:29 PM, Andrea Pescetti wrote:
A draft of the Call for Papers/Talks (text only) is available at ...
It would be good to jazz this up a little.  Is there a FOSDEM logo
that we are permitted to use?  Does anyone have a good photo (or two)
from ApacheCon that we could use?

Sorry I wasn't clear. That page hosts the "text only" version: it will be copied and pasted into an e-mail, see other announcements at So only the text should be improved there.
is just for writing/reviewing this text. Link won't be published.
is the nicer version where we can add formatting, practical information and the actual talk submissions too. This is the link we will publish, so images can be added here, good suggestion. But we first need the other page ready (i.e., the final version of the CFP text).


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