I have added a couple of comments below, based on my small (but to some
noticeable) experience.


On 16 November 2012 15:39, Rob Weir <robw...@apache.org> wrote:

> As you have probably seen, we're currently doing a call for QA
> volunteer, supported by a blog post, the website and social media.
> They all direct users to an "Introduction to QA" page:
> http://incubator.apache.org/openofficeorg/orientation/intro-qa.html
> We've been promoting this for a week now and have received 5 or 6 good
> responses.  Of course, not everyone who responds will become a
> longer-term volunteer, but this is how we start.  I invite anyone with
> some spare time (ha!) to jump on the QA list to help
> coach/mentor/orient the new volunteers.  Their initial experience, in
> the first few days and weeks, is critical.
> This QA promotion follows some initial experiments with putting
> targeted calls for volunteers on NL home pages.  You cans see an
> example here:   http://www.openoffice.org/hi/
> This approach has been very successful, perhaps because we get the
> plea in front of exactly the audience that can most help in the
> translation tasks.  In some cases we received 2 or 3 volunteers for a
> language within a few days of adding this kind of message.   I'm
> hoping we can do a broader call for localization volunteers as well.
> Juergen has promised a blog post on this topic, based on his ApacheCon
> presentation.
> Next up I have a call for marketing volunteers:
> http://incubator.apache.org/openofficeorg/orientation/intro-marketing.html
>    We're still reviewing that page, and I need to prepare a blog post.
>  Hopefully we can start promoting this in a week or two.
> Which all brings us to Dev.  We all know how critical developers are.
> I'm pretty sure that was why beer was invented.   I saved Dev for the
> end because I wanted to "fine-tune" the recruitment approach before
> doing Dev.   I'd like to brainstorm a little on what kind of
> information we should gather together, in the form of new material or
> links to existing (or updated) material, to make an "Intro to Dev"
> page, in the style of the ones above.
> Assumptions:
> -- Volunteer has practical C++ and platform skills on at least one
> core platform.  It is not practical for us to teach someone C++.
> Goals:
> -- Volunteer is able to download and build AOO
> -- Volunteer is able to run AOO in a debugger
> -- Volunteer is able to fix an "easy" bug in Bugzilla
> -- Volunteer is able to submit a patch to fix the bug
> -- Volunteer understands the basics about how we work on the lists,
> how we make decisions, etc.

-- Volunteer understand the structure of the AOO source tree.

-- Volunteer understand  how QA work hand in hand wih dev (this is
something I still do not understand).

> IMHO, someone who does the above, and repeats it 3 or 4 times, and
> sticks around for a month or more, and is not a jerk, then they are
> probably a good committer candidate.  I think that would be one
> success metric for us.
> Considering the above, I think we'd want the Intro to Dev page to
> feature (not necessarily in this order):
> -- Link to intro on Subversion
The apache introduction, was very helpful for me having experience with
other version control systems.

> -- Patch submission instructions
which should include a brief mail, saying "I will work on"

> -- Link to the Building Guide -- but might need a refresh
not "might" that is an absolute must...there are at least 3 different build
instructions for Ubuntu, and I actually ended up doing a 4th variation
(thanks to help from the list). I will gladly help here.

> -- Link to a debugging guide (does this even exist?)

-- Link to Bugzilla and a pre-defined search for unclaimed "easy"
> bugs. (Also, we need to mark some easy bugs in advance)
-- Link to OpenGrok for source search.
-- Description of source tree, especially what is "dead" code.

> -- Link to previous write up on Discussion lists, Apache Way, etc.

> Also, another idea was whether we might make the initial build
> experience far easier for the developer if we encouraged the use of a
> single platform and version.  A developer can use whatever they want,
> within reason, of course.  But what if we said, if you use Ubuntu
> 12.04 LTS then here is a script that will install the exact pre-reqs
> you need and bring down the build, set all the flags and kick off a
> build?  In other words, control the environment and we can make the
> initial build be painless.   In a world of virtual machines, this is
> possible.
+1, but even better offer a prebuilt directory tree, ready to debug.

> Anything else for the guide?   What else does a new developer need to
> know to get started?   Also, is anyone interested in helping me put
> this together?
If wanted, I will be happy to assist, since I still have a lot of my
problems in fresh memory.

> -Rob

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