On 16/11/2012 Rob Weir wrote:
Also, another idea was whether we might make the initial build
experience far easier for the developer if we encouraged the use of a
single platform and version.  A developer can use whatever they want,
within reason, of course.  But what if we said, if you use Ubuntu
12.04 LTS then here is a script that will install the exact pre-reqs
you need and bring down the build, set all the flags and kick off a

Of course we have something like that in the wiki, and of course it's outdated:

But building OpenOffice is simpler than it seems at times. The last time I built trunk, on a machine where I had never built OpenOffice, I just needed to install the appropriate packages, download a magic DLL and configure with the standard options listed at http://wiki.openoffice.org/wiki/Documentation/Building_Guide_AOO

As for prerequisites, we could list somewhere on the wiki the required packages for a couple of popular distributions (Ubuntu, Fedora) and ask prospective developers to edit it if they are using other distributions.

So the script you mention can probably be replaced by a handful of commands to be copy-pasted from the wiki; on the contrary, that handful of commands can easily be turned into a script if needed! But it's probably better, from an educational point of view, that new developers see the commands one by one; this is especially useful if they need to stop and resume the build.


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