Be aware that many browsers blocks javascripts from sites without a
certificate. and it makes the page slower, because it has to load more
urls. It would be more efficient to in php (if possible) and make it a real
server issue.

In php, it is quite simple, to make an algorithm, that e.g. displays msg a,
for the first 3 minutes of an hour, then message B etc. The messages
themself would be html sniplets.

Going down that route would make graphic pretty simple (just the normal
image tag).


On 23 November 2012 18:26, Rob Weir <> wrote:

> Currently our website has a header, controlled by
> ooo-site/brand.mdtext, that we use to promote special events and
> announcements.   This header shows up on every page on the website,
> except for wiki and other non-static web pages.
> This header is our single most effective way to promote things.  It
> gets 750K+ views per day.  This is far more than our blog, Twitter,
> mailing lists, Facebook, etc., combined.
> However, this position currently can carry only a single message at a
> time.  So when we have several messages in quick succession, we need
> to halt the old announcement and replace it with a new one.  For
> example, when I added the marketing volunteers, I had to stop the call
> for QA volunteers.  Juergen has a call for translators coming, and
> that will likely cause us to halt the marketing call for volunteers.
> And we want to put up a FOSDEM call for papers soon as well.
> So the way we're using this it is all or nothing.  A message either
> gets 750K views a day or it gets nothing.
> I think this is not optimal.  It is natural for us to have several
> ongoing promotions, and it would be sufficient if we could more
> effectively share that space.
> One idea might be to not have a static message in brand.mdtext, but
> encode several messages in a Javascript file, a JSON object that lists
> all the current messages along with their weighting.  Then we could
> have our website header show a random message, respecting the weights.
>  A high weighted message would get more views than a lower weighted
> one.  But even 10% of 750K is a lot more views that our blog will
> receive.
> Does this make sense?
> Any other ideas?  Any ideas on how to implement this?
> Another idea is to allow graphical as well as the current text-only
> promotions.  A banner graphic can be even more effective.
> Regards,
> -Rob

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