After 3 months of frustration it is time to end the effort to get The Getting Started Guide that had been started for AOO 3.4 completed. Despite repeated requests for help on the ODFAuthors list it is apparent that either the Authors that had been working on Open Office docs are either no longer interested or are working strictly on the LO books.

Alexandro Colorado made an attempt at getting the Base Guide done but was not able to get any responses to his requests for comments on his markups and changes and decided to put it on hold until he did. As far as I know he is still waiting.

One other volunteer stepped up from an inquiry on this list and gave valuable help. Prabha again thank you very much for your work and I hope that you will get involved with the defining of a new documentation project.

With only 2 people actively working it is not possible to give the work the quality review and editing that it deserves to have the Open Office name attached to it.

Reluctantly unless someone with the requisite skills in technical writing and publishing that I do not have can lend a hand I feel it is best to end the effort and not waste anymore of anyone's time.

I will continue to contribute where I can, but that is difficult or someone who is not a developer.

Keith N. McKenna

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