Hello Jean-Louis;

> From: Jean-Louis 'Hans' Fuchs
>We are working on building AOO for Solaris on Sparc and x86.
>There are people out there who would like to see official
>builds for these platforms. For us (and our customers), this would also
>be a great step forward, and we're eager to do what we can to work on this.

This is great news!

>So, here's a few questions / discussion points.
>* What are the steps required to promote those builds to be official AOO
>builds? Is there an official process?
>* What is the process to make solaris a officially supported platform, other 
>providing official installers/binaries?

There is no actual process, we just want to make sure that there is someone that
makes sure it builds and works fine with the code in trunk and that provides the
official builds. I understand you might be helping set up a buildbot which is a
great start.

>We are currently checking with our customers if we could move to the GNU 
>instead of the Solaris-compiler. (One uses a plug-in that is available in 
>binary only.)
>This would resolve many build-problems and reduce our effort.
>* Is something to be said against moving to GCC on solaris?

Nothing against it. The main issue is probably the C bridge and then the 
ports may be of help. There is a few documentation on how it's done:



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