Hi Michael,

I like to continue to use the orb (I think the orb with gulls is simple and optimal, the biggest logos in the world are round and simple ;.))

One point I especially like on the existing orb is that the gull is sticking out of the orb, somewhat 'freeing' itself. Ths represents 'Open'Office for me graphically. Thus, I do not like the orb to be surrounded by a metal looking ring (better just use the orb's blue with e.g. rounded edges and let the light play and do the rest). The ring cuts off the gull and somewhat 'emprisones' it from my POV.

We also have more than 4 apps (at lest we sould not limit us to that in the logo, maybe new modules show up one day), so I see it critical to try to represent the single apps in the logo. It is already difficult enough to represent a single app (in the app's default logo) in a way that is intuitive enough to make the user identify which app this document is for with a single look at it.

Just my 2ct...


On 20.12.2012 02:33, Michael Acevedo wrote:
Greetings to the AOO Team!

Hello, after a few months of inactivity I've decided to get back in touch
with the AOO community. First, congratulations to the AOO team on
a successful graduation into a top-level Apache project from the Apache

Now the reason on why I am writing this email is to formally submit a logo
proposal for the next version of the Apache OpenOffice 4.X logo.
Previously, I submitted an initial logo on the Apache OpenOffice Google+
community but I went back to the drawing board and created a second version
of the logo that both pays respect to the previous Apache OpenOffice orb,
but modernizes the look of the overall logo by adding 4 colored squares
that represent the four corners of our office suite (Writer, Calc, Impress,
and Base) and utilizing a streamlined font.

Without further introductions, below I present my official submission for
the Apache OpenOffice 4.X logo.

This first logo, is the proposed official logo for the project that would
be used for our webpage and some other materials.


There's a secondary logo, which is basically the same logo but changes the
proportion of the OpenOffice orb making it better suited for the splash
screen that appears at the launch of the application.


Hope you guys like it and Happy holidays!

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