On 21.12.2012 13:23, Andrea Pescetti wrote:
> On 21/11/2012 Andrea Pescetti wrote:
>> On 12/11/2012 Andrea Pescetti wrote:
>>> FOSDEM 2013 will be held in Brussels, Belgium, 2-3 Feb 2013 and it is a
>>> huge, free, developer-oriented, technical conference. ...
>> Call for Talks out and advertised on the FOSDEM site at
>> https://fosdem.org/2013/news/2012-11-01-cfp/
>> (as well as ooo-dev and ooo-announce). Wiki page for proposals ready at
>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/FOSDEM+2013+Proposals
>> Deadline for submissions: 23 December.
... cut ...

Is the program of the AOO presentations set already?

What about the following idea: if the number of presentations and presenters 
allow for, why not
repeat the presentations in the afternoon? (Among other things, this way, 
people attending FOSDEM
who are interested in different topics may become able to attend some of the 
AOO presentations in
the case of "time clashes" that would inhibit attendance of a presentation.)


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