On 22 January 2013 15:06, Rob Weir <robw...@apache.org> wrote:

> I'm not going to do this on your timing or your terms.

The other apposite Wikipedia policy page:


(Compare: https://cwiki.apache.org/OOOUSERS/draftlist-conduct-policy.html )

> A look at the article history [1] shows that as most of us were
> enjoying conviviality with friends and family, you were spending your
> Christmas and New Year's holidays making hundreds of edits to the
> OpenOffice article.  This suggests to me a more than slightly
> obsessive nature.

I've been editing Wikipedia since 2004, so I think that can be
reasonably assumed. (That or boredom.)

>  So the prudent course would be to simply wait for
> you to find another axe to grind, another crusade, another target for
> your attentios.  Then, when you are immersed in some other grand
> mission, calmer heads will prevail, and I would not be surprised if
> the article were then totally rewritten.

That would be pretty much what I did. The page was a neglected
disaster, with things like formatting errors that had been there
months. I looked through the edit history since 2004, and it had never
at any time been a coherently-written page.

Much as with AOO, Wikipedia tends to be a do-ocracy; I'm sure you've
long tired of people who only complain when you finally do something
and they don't like the way you did it.

At present IMO the page is mediocre and slightly coherent, which is at
least better than it was before.

A good place to raise issues with the article is its talk page:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:OpenOffice Although Rob certainly
may have other things to do with his time, others here may have a
moment to raise issues.

- d.


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