Am 02/02/2013 09:52 PM, schrieb

--- Comment #3 from Rob Weir<>  ---
We can have a plain text link.  We can have an image with a link, if you have a
specific image in mind.  The fancier effects we have on the page are harder to extract for just one

I'd recommend starting simple, with a list of links for downloads, and a link
to the release notes and install instructions.  Once we have the basic
framework in place, updating it for each new revision is easy.  I may not know
a word of Scottish Gaelic beyond "cèilidh", but I can figure out how to replace
"3.4.1" with "4.0.0" to maintain the page to keep the download links up to

@Michael and Rob:

The webpage with the colored download links can be copied to NL pages pretty simple. Only 2 things need to be changed:

1. Translate the hardcoded strings to the respective language.
2. Set the ISO code for the language. Have a look for this line in the

var NL_LANGUAGE = "";

This gives you the look & feel and the same functionality of the main download webpage. But with the difference that everything is in Gaelic and the AOO download links are working for "gd" only.

Ariel has done it already long time ago for Spanish. Just have a look:

Looks fantastic. ;-)


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