On 2/5/13, Fernando Martinez <fernando.marti...@msn.com> wrote:
> Hello Dev Team at OpenOffice,
> My name is Fernando Martinez. I was born in Peru but I reside in the
> US(South Florida to be more precise).
> I recently got my degree in CS from Georgia Tech. I am looking for a job in
> the CS field. In the mean time, I would like to keep in touch with CS and
> what better way to do it than the work in a open source project like
> OppenOffice. I have used OpenOffice for years and I believe it is a great
> alternative to paid Office SW(like MS Office).
> I hope I would be able to help you make Open Office even greater.
> Sincerely

Welcome Fernando, just a couple of comments, please remember this is a
public list and you might want to reconsider publishing your personal
cel number.

That aside, welcome to the community, please make sure to visit our
introductory modules to evaluate where you feel you want to


Please let us know about your skillset and also where are you feeling
more leaned toward. For example, if you want to develop to the core,
downloading and building openoffice might be a good place to start.


> Fernando Martinez
> Email: fernando.marti...@msn.com

Alexandro Colorado
Apache OpenOffice Contributor

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