Forwarding a message from the ApacheCon NA organizers. See for details. To those going to attend: you may also consider to join some informal activities, see and


Hi All

It's now about 3 weeks until ApacheCon North America, which is taking
place Sunday 24th Feb - Thursday 28th in Portland. Quite a few people will be there, and we'd love to see you all!

If you haven't already registered for the conference, then we've some good news - we've managed to snag a 20% discount for you! To register with the 20% off, use code PMC or the link [ Note: this code can by used by anyone on the dev list ]

To see what the talks are, including the ones relating to our project,
please see the schedule -

Would you like to get more involved in the project? Maybe learn more about contributing, get some mentoring on a patch, or help collaborate on some fixes? People from the project may be at the (Free!) Hackathon on the Monday. If you'd like to come, whether you can make it to the main conference or not, the details are on the ApacheCon wiki:

Also talking of free, a few of us will be at the BarCamp on the Sunday.
This is open to everyone, Portland natives and conference-goers alike, and should be a great chance to share new ideas and learn about existing + upcoming projects. To sign up to come to that, or learn more, it's

Hopefully see some of you in Portland in a few weeks!

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