On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 2:58 PM, Pedro Giffuni <p...@apache.org> wrote:
> Man.. do I have to repeat everything again?
> ----- Messaggio originale -----
>> Da: Rob Weir <>
>> And so it is clear, my technical objection is:
>> Backwards compatibility of spreadsheet documents, and calculations
>> specifically, is critical.  If AOO 4.0 returns results that are even a
>> penny different than earlier versions than this would be a severe
>> defect.  If we found such a defect even the day before a major release
>> we would probably treat it as a "stop ship" blocking issue.  Any
>> change that breaks backwards compatibility is a technical issue.
> Breaking backwards compatibility is acceptable for 4.0 Release given
> that we are attempting to comply with a stricter standard. If it were
> prohibited to do such changes then other Apache Projects would be in
> big trouble: look at Apache Lucene:

I am not talking about backwards compatibility in general.  I am
talking specifically about spreadsheet formulas.  We have never had a
discussion, and certainly not consensus, about breaking spreadsheet
formula backwards compatibility for AOO 4.0.  If I am in error in
this, please point me to the thread.

> http://lucene.apache.org/core/4_1_0/changes/Changes.html

We are talking about spreadsheet formula evaluation in AOO 4,0.  I'm
not talking about Lucerne.

> The same number of compatibility-related changes than optimizations!
>> Fact:  Pedro's patch changes the results of spreadsheet calculations
>> in OpenOffice, introducing an error where there was not one before.
> OOo already has plenty of functions that give backwards
> incompatible results with previous versions of OOo and
> Symphony (which is rather crappy). atanh, asinh, erf,
> everything in SAL has needed continued revisions.

I have not seen anything that took a legitimate formula and changed it
to an error.  I'm not ab absolutist.  I'm willing to consider changes
at the 8th decimal points.  But not gross level breaks in

>> Finally, treating 0^0 == 1 is very common in programming languages and
>> spreadsheets, being the value returned by OpenOffice since 1.0, as
>> well as by Calligra Sheets, Google Docs, Symphony, LibreOffice, Java,
>> C, and .NET.  Anyone arguing that the value is incorrect faces a
>> mountain of contrary opinion and practice.
> So far you have failed to produce an example of reasonable use where
> such incompatibility is evident.

For purposes of a veto I only need to show that I have a technical objection.


> Oh, and Microsoft Excel, which holds a bigger market share than all the above
> mentioned alternatives is evidently buried within such mountain. :).
> Is this really the best you got? Why not take my offer and give it a two
> weeks thought? You may come up with something more elaborate.
> Pedro.

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