
I would like to draw your attention on issue 121625 [1] - a tracking issue for the crashes which had been reported in Bugzilla and in the forum (as I know from Hagar) which occur right a couple of seconds after the application start.

I was able to reproduce such crashes - for details have a look at the issue. Due to two viral flues which knocked me out for all together more than two weeks it took some time to find the root cause.
I think I have found it - again look at the issue for details.

I will commit a patch to avoid such crashes in the future.

I have also given a workaround in the issue which someone could document in the forum as well. (As I had already discussed this workaround in another thread with Hagar may be this has been already done.)

[1] https://issues.apache.org/ooo/show_bug.cgi?id=121625

Thanks for your attention.

Best regards, Oliver.

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