Hello Mr. Alexandro Colorado,

Ariel Constela-Haile  suggested that one who suggested the idea on GSOC
idea page is the mentor for that project. So I'm contacting you for help.

I have a problem. I thought that the mentor will be the best guy to discuss
My end-semester exams are starting from April 25th. So I will not be able
to spend a lot of time for the coming days.(till May 12th). As the
mentoring organizations will announce the list of students by April 22nd, I
wanted to know what more I can do to prove myself that I'm a capable
candidate for GSOC 2013. I have worked on two bugs  on your page till now.
I have partially solved one of them(got response from a people that I have
done the right thing to solve the bug), although I was unable to produce a
patch due to my tight schedule. My holidays are starting from May13th, I'll
be able to spend a lot of time on this later. I am getting used to your
huge code base, and during my holidays I'll be able to work on this with
more ease as time passes.

My suggestion to your proposal:
We could also add a feature called "Import from Google SpreadSheet" and
"Export to Google SpreadSheet" which adds the feature of cloud storage to

Also I wanted some suggestion on writing my application. Should I include
the above suggestion in it? I will draft my application and please suggest
any modifications to it.

Please help me! I am very excited about being a part of your community!!!
Rajath S,
M.Sc(Hons.) Physics,
Birla Institute of Technology and Science - Pilani,

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