
Rob Weir schrieb:
On Tue, Jul 2, 2013 at 11:15 AM, Jürgen Schmidt <jogischm...@gmail.com> wrote:

any opinions on requested showstopper

It seems to be quite easy to disable the help agent and I have no real
opinion on it. I can disable it quite fast by myself but can live with a
different default as well.

Well it's no real showstopper but a fix would be straight forward.

Is a regression, a very minor one.

It is no regression, but the help agent was broken in AOO3.4 and that is fixed now.

  But it is something that every
user will see, so this is likely to lead to support emails, etc.

Here I agree and the help agent should be off as default.

think we want the impression of 4.0 to focus on the new sidepanel, not
be distracted by retro light bulbs popping up.   So if it is easy to
fix maybe we can include it?

Kind regards

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