Keith N. McKenna wrote:
Ricardo Berlasso wrote:
I started a translation for the release notes as a child page of the
release notes itself

But pictures attached to the main release notes page are not displayed on
the child page. Is there any easy way to show them?



I did some playing and was able to copy all of the missing graphics
except the sidebar ones with the following procedure using Firefox.

1: Open the English page in your browser in view mode.
2: Open the Spanish page in another window in edit mode
3: In the English page right click on the graphic you want to copy and
    select copy image location.
4: In the Spanish page highlight the file name of the command that did
    not work and paste.

Because the sidebar ones are thumbnails, the same procdure will not work
as the thumbnail can only be created from a graphic that is attached to
the page. The only way I found to do this was as follows (again using

1: Same as above
2: Open the Spanish page in another window in view mode mode
3: In English page click on a thumbnail to open the the original graphic
   3.1 Right click full sizd graphic and select save image as and
       download it to your local machine.
4: In Spanish page Select Add --> Attachment then browse button on the
    page that opens and select the file you just downloaded and click
    the attach button.
6: Repeat as needed.

It is know 3:00 AM here so I am heading to bed. I can download th rest
of the sidebar graphics and attach thm to the Spanish page later today
if it will help you out.

I couldn't sleep so I uploaded all the sidebar screenshots as attachments and know they render correctly.


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